Monday, November 08, 2004


I know I have talked about beach biking before, but it is really exciting to see the different possibilities for biking on PEI this time of year. It is, I will admit, a little colder than the summer but this time of year the beach is much firmer to bike on and there are very few people out there so no one will really be put out if you bike by them (like they would be anyway). It is a great way to explore new beaches and places you may have never know about before. I however will not be responsible it you take out a good mountain bike worth more than my car and get the bearings and gears full of sand and salt. I take a couple old beaters. For instance my last time out biking I lost my seat and my handle bars came loose. A few minor repairs and it will be up and going again. Get out Explore your Island.


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