The contractor has been making steady progress on site. Today the final three pile caps (including the elevator pile cap casting) were completed in the half of the building with the basement. A total of 89 of 109 pile caps have been completed to date. We anticipate that within the next week we will be completing the remaining pile caps. The remaining 6 short columns in the basement are ready to be cast tomorrow. This will only leave the elevator shaft pit casting up to slab level. Compaction work has been ongoing in the basement area to prep the pad for a mud slab followed by steel tying and finally slab casting.
Elevator pile cap casting this morning
Short column casting formwork
Progress on the West wing
Backhoe assisting with backfill and compaction
Retaining wall along the edge of the slab at the West side of the building (Below grade)
Gas powered jumper compaction machine
Overall site progress