Monday, December 16, 2013

MCH Babies and Kiddos

I have been snapping a lot of photos in the hospital recently for promotional material for the new building project.   We are often not aware of what is happening at the existing hosptal since we are busy with construction so wandering around and shaddowing the medical staff has been very interesting.  Kudos to the doctors and nurses for the challenging work that they do. 

 (a young patient on the female ward)
Children are treated for a wide variety of ailments at MCH.  Common bugs and viruses, snake bites, cooking fire burns, emergency c-section deliveries, broken bones, vehicle accident trauma, a piece of coconut wedged in a lung (removed through surgery) - to name a few recent cases.  There are certainly some heart wrenching stories but also some amazing recoveries.  It is always fun to visit the OB ward and see the new deliveries.

(Proud mothers with their newborn babies)

 (Women lining up with their grandbabies for bath time)
(This little one was not too impressed with bathing...)
 (But was happy to be swadled when it was over)


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