Monday, September 29, 2014

West Wing - Structure Complete

On Saturday (Sept 27th) the West Wing roof (4th level slab) was completed.  This is another major milestone for the project as all the shuttering will now be moved to the East Wing after Eid, at which time the exterior brick work can be started and the interior brick walls completed. Once the brick work is completed then Phase II interior finishing will start once funding for this next phase becomes available (electrical conduit, wall plaster, flooring, etc.). Structural work on the East wing will continue over the next 6 months.

Site Overview - Sept 27, 2014
West Wing Roof Casting - (4th Floor Slab)

A Sudden Thunderstorm During Casting (Construction workers taking shelter on the 2nd floor)

Jon out in the downpour

 Over 80,000 sq feet of slab casting completed

Working well into the night

Jon and Holly Barrett

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