Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Travel Blogs

I wonder if there is a place (some web page) that shows blogs about people who are active bloggers while they are traveling. I imagine there must be something like that out there. It would be interesting to read blogs by those people. Especially if you were planning a trip to the same area that the person was traveling to. Give some good general ideas on what they liked and what they may not have liked as well. I was just thinking of this myself because blogging is a great way for travelers to keep in contact with people they know back home and along the way. Instead of writing 100 emails, simply blog it. Who knows, If I found a blog of someone who was traveling to PEI (who had done a lot of other traveling around the world) I would be at least interested in posting a comment to take them out for coffee or show them around the Island a bit so I could talk to them more about their other world travels. If the site was setup right it would do well. I wonder what sites I would get like that if I did a quick search on google.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if there is a site like this or not. You would have to be a very active site to keep up on all the blogs and see which people are travelling at a specific time. Because many people blog while they travel but then have returned home (like yourself). But it's a great idea and I think it would be an incredible resource the more I think about it.

Jon Barrett said...

There are some diffinite things that would have to be organized. Such as every week you must update where you currently are or your person would go to the presently chilling traveling list. I noticed a few things out there, but what I saw you had to totally blog with the page. I was more envisioning any ordianary blogger could be linked from a blog they already have. It could be as simple as a world map (with lots of little dots for the bloggers) that you can zoom in on and pick an area see all the people currently traveling there. It has to be good enough though that people have a reason to keep it updated.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It'd have to be kept up to date all the time. But it could be very cool if it was worked out correctly. You could get people who are living in different cultures for a time period (like my brother) to get invovled and post about his expereince in a different culture too. That would be very valuable information, plus it could help him hook up with other people in the same area doing the same thing and they coudl share information too.

Anonymous said...

Is this something along the lines of what you're talking about?