Friday, January 20, 2006

Central and South America

If you have heard the rumors, it's true (no I'm not engaged or married).  I mean the rumors about me heading South for the winter.  I have a flight booked to Los Angeles then from there I will commence my journey into Mexico and will steadily continue making my way South.  Today I received my shots and got my prescriptions so i am ready to get on the road.  The only little minor detail holding me back is that I don't have my passport as of the writing of this blog entry.  It is suppose to be here by early next week.  As for travel plans other than where I am flying to and flying home from I don't have any particulars of what my travels will entail.  I hope to be able to keep my blog up to date while I travel so check it out once in a while.


The Barretts said...

I have heard these rumors actually. We've also been spreading them around :) Looking foward to seeing you before you go. I hope you have an awesome time down South.

Keep the blog going if possible. I have missed your entries as of late.

The Book Worm said...

So you are going to South America? I think I'm thoroughly confused.

shauna marie said...

OH MY WORD! I'M SOOOOOOOOO STINKIN' EXCITED FOR YOU!! wish you had like a day layover or something in L.A., so I could see you, but whatever. so: ya' just travelin'? I'm real pumped for ya'! Glad you're getting away from school jonny b.:) keep in touch. Maybe someday I'll go backpackin' downthere too....

Jon Barrett said...

Sarah Barrett - I may be around Halifax this weekend, if so I will drop by to say see ya lata.
Book Worm - South America, what's so confusing about that, sounds like a good time to me.
Shauna - I may not have a choice of a Layover in LA, I may be stuck there for a few days if my passport doesn't come before I fly out Thursday. So if you're free we will have to go out for tea.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon, what's up, os I see you're heading for C. & S. America. Incase you do go, remember we were briefly discussing your potential stay in Belize. You are welcome to stay with my folks if you decide to head out there. Just tell me for sure, and I can make arrangements for you. If you don't have my email, its

Jon Barrett said...

I was thinking of you mentioning that actually. I'll give you an email Malcolm.

The Book Worm said...

The rumours confuzzeled me.

When are you leaving?