Sunday, May 14, 2006

Just another day on the block

Treeplanting on the coal mines just outside the boundaries of Jasper National Park always seem to produce an eventful experience. This is normally due to the extreme weather along with the more than abundant wildlife making for interesting days (one of the hundreds of Big Horn Sheep that live on the reclaimed strip mines that eat the pine trees we plant a quickly as we can plant them). Since we were planting at such high elevations on these mines any precipitation we received always turned into snow which we often had to simply plant through. Every year we seem to have at least one big snow storm along with always seeing a number of Grizzlies (normally from the "safety" of a vehicle), but this year I had quite a close encounter while I was out planting, a mother and cub decided to give me a little visit. Tomorrow is a full day off in town which is needed for some major gear repairs and replacements.


The Barretts said...

Hey Jonny! Good to see an update :) Your mom was telling us today that you've been seeing a lot of bears...yikes!

Wish you could have been here this weekend for Namoi's dedication. We had a fun time with all the family around.

Keep up the good work planting!

shauna marie said...

aww, jonny b! so good to hear from you!! and great to see you in action! way to ruin the clothes bro! haha. um, so what happened w/ the grizzlies? gosh, you didn't give much detail!

ps... wanna' give me all your books? haha. gates of splendor too, haha, I know you have that one....

The Book Worm said...

I saw three bears once. . .at yellowstone park. . .and there were a whole bunch of Korean students around. . .anyways

Great to hear that your still alive.

Seeing you in your tree planting gear with a shovel reminded me of a game you made us play at youth group once. . .wear we had to tree plant. . .I couldn't keep the tree bag on because it was too big. . .

anyways. . .I'll stop commenting now.

Greg, Alisha & family said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. So we didn't even know you were gone but I guess we do now. I said to Greg the other day I haven't seen Johnny in a while I wonder where he is. Well atleast you are thought of. Glad to hear your encounter with the bears weren't too close. God Bless

Cary Sawatsky said...

Your tree planting venue is TOTALLY different from what planting blue spruce trees in Lunenburg County was like. Yours seems to be somewhat more...impressive. The only wildlife I ever saw were black flies and mosquitoes. BTW, how did you get the names of the people who posted to show?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,

That ground looks awfully frozen. Looks like you might need a pick axe. HeHe. Wish I was cooking some BBQ up for you don't ya.Still, Its some beautiful country. Happy treeplanting....


Naomi Best said...

Holy, I only met you once (at Sarah and Jamin's), but I randomly clicked the like from S&J's blog out of curiousity. Man, you've definitely traveled the America's since then. That must of been an INCREDIBLE trip. You definitely made me what to check out South America sometime in the future. Doesn't God's creation just blow you away???!!!
Naomi Hunter

Anonymous said...

Didn't expect to hear much from you while tree planting, so is nice to see you are keeping in touch with the rest of us boring home bodies! ...again some beautiful pictures of God's country. (not that the USA isn't God's country too! ha!) Take care and stay your distance from those bears - you how protective Mom's can be of their cubs!! Love, Aunt Ethel

Anonymous said...

It is May 29 & you entered last on May 14 so you've been in the "woods" for quite some time. Love your tree planting "uniform". At first I thot you were in the Alps! Just talked to a friend in BC & she informed me that 2 of her sons are in Argentina (went in Jan) & are still there. I am helping them get in contact with Lisa & Colby. Happy planting.
OX Aunt Cindy