Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The season is cruising along as usual. Lots of work, lots of fun and lots of trees planted (of course). This is me in some fill plant we were working on today (Tuesday). Can be nasty, but like the treeplanter's saying goes "there is no such thing as bad land, just bad prices." Thankfully the prices have been very good for the land we have been working on! (A typical fill block)


Noel said...

have you steped on any bee hives yet? ;) ... Keep on having fun... praying for ya Till then Noel

The Barretts said...

Nice to see an update! Glad to hear you're doing well :) We miss you!!

The Book Worm said...

Wow an update! Hope things are going well.

shauna marie said...

yay! update. having fun? apparently Joel's found a girl, lol:) SO I don't know if he'll be plantin' again anytime soon! byeeee!:)

shauna marie said...


this fall?

what the?!

what are you NOT telling me Jonathan S. Barrett?!