Monday, January 14, 2013

Bangla Faux-Pas

In learning any new language there are many time of excitement when things start coming together, times when you wonder why bother as you try to enunciate something incorrectly for the umpteenth straight time and times when you simply embarrass yourself unknowingly (until someone later tells you what you said).  Thankfully language for us has been a positive experience.  Although it is a very different language in written form, the very basic spoken language has some very well defined rules that are quite consistent (for present/present perfect/future/future perfect etc). Although every number from 1 to 100 is a different word!
A few small blunders: We were in the market that other day looking for sticky rice. I kept asking for "Sticky Rice" as most sellers have a number of types.  All I got in return was puzzled looks. In my next class we found out that I was asking for the goldsmith's rice? (beni vs beeni). It is curious that there are most likely a huge number of high quality socks being make in country for export, but locally they are difficult to find.  I was asking people "where can I find good socks"? to which I just received smirks. Found out that the word for "Sock" and "Good Times" are the similar. Maybe I should be thankful they just smirked and did not direct me anywhere. I can only imagine what some of these people are thinking as I spit out sentences that are pronounced, structured and tensed incorrectly.

Next time we really embarrass ourselves we will have to let you know.


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