Monday, January 14, 2013


Holly has been enjoying a number of special treats over the past two weeks. With a Gluten Free diet it is not quite like home where you just go to the GF isle to find what you want or order off the GF menu at a restaurant.  Holly's sister sent a package with all kinds of dark chocolate GF cookies and all  kinds of other GF treats over the Holidays.  Then a short termer surprised us with some GF grains and cereal when they arrived. Followed by Dr. Kelley arriving back to the field with a large dark chocolate bar and a number of herb seeds that we are looking forward to planting.  It is difficult to find much variety in grains here, our choice is either white rice, white rice or wheat. People love their Bhat (white rice) in large quantities! We will share more about the local food in a future post. Time to go have a piece of dark chocolate....

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