I'm definitely no dentist, but I think I may need my wisdom teeth pulled (at least the top ones). They have been giving me this dull pain in that general back molar area of my mouth on occasion (and unfortunately for me the occasions seem to be growing more frequent). I really don't know maybe that dull sensation is normal when they are coming in and I don't need them removed. I have been reading up on it and there has been a study produced saying 60% of removals are unnecessary. Also I found out they are called wisdom teeth because they normally come in later in life when we are supposedly wiser.
Elevators Being Installed . . . and More
5 years ago
I actually don't know too many people that didn't get their wisdom teeth pulled.
I got mine when I was in high school...I still don't think I'm always wise :)
Interesting fact about my wisdom teeth: I had braces on them!
Hope you don't have to get yours pulled!
I hope not as well. Then again if I do need to get them out it would be better to get them out now rather than having what happened to Tom Hanks in "Cast Away" when he put if off then got stranded and had to knock the tooth out himself. (I know it's only a movie)
mmm.... my wisdom teeth hurt too, lol. unfortunately, I learned (thru your sister in law) my teeth are too close together due to my wisdom teeth... so unfortunately, someday, I will have to have mine out. :(
I also got my wisdom teeth when I was 16. I felt like I had a really bad canker sore but when I looked in the mirror, there was a tooth there. Once they came in they stopped hurting and my dentist didn't feel the need to pull them out.
Hm...the Tom Hanks analogy could be a little far fetched..although you do tend to reside in remote places and then you would feel real bad about all this discusion. (I fast forwarded that scene)
I will have to go to my sister-in-law to see what she says. I would be happy if they didn't need to be pulled.
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