Saturday, March 17, 2007

Blue Like Jazz

I finished "Blue Like Jazz" on my flight to Ontario last week. For those who have not heard of the book it is described as "nonreligious thoughts on Christian spirituality", basically the journey of faith of the author. Originally I was very skeptical of the book after a number of pages, however I was recommended this title by a number of well respected friends so I stuck to it. Which I am thankful for because after a few chapter I started to get into it and could hardly put it down. Much like any book, I may not be in exact cahoots with the author, but he had a lot of good things to say and think about (for Christians and non alike).


The Barretts said...

Hey Jonny,

I have this book on hold at the library and am looking forward to reading it when it comes in. Hopefully I'll find it a good read as well.

shauna marie said...

dude. totally how i felt too. right on. now i just need to buy all these books that i love... and stop borrowing them, lol. bye now.

Anonymous said...

i am glad you liked it jonny boy. guess what? the cs lewis book club is actually happening. can you belive it? when you come home you can come to it too ok?
miss ya friend
erin bredin

Jon Barrett said...

Most people I talk to have enjoyed it so hopefully you will be included in that group, Sarah. I have transitioned into a book borrower myself (my travels have much to do with that). It's very rare for me to read a book more than once. (in certain fields some of these books would be good references I suppose). Erin, What CS Lewis are you reading? I could possibly become a quasi member.